
This plan shows details of the primary routes within Langley and how Langley connects with the Royal Town of Sutton Coldfield and the A38.

The Parameter Plan – Access and Movement

Vehicular Access

  • The site will have two vehicular accesses connecting directly to the A38.
  • The southern access gateway to the A38 will be via a new roundabout between Langley and the Peddimore employment site and has already been constructed as part of the Peddimore proposals.
  • The northern A38 access gateway will comprise new south-facing sliproads from Ox Leys Road, which also provides an opportunity for traffic using Springfield Road to reach the A38 sooner and enable construction traffic to access the northern part of the site from the A38.
  • Additional primary and secondary vehicular access points will be created on to Springfield Road, Thimble End Road, Webster Way and Lindridge Road.
  • The outline planning application already includes the detailed design for the primary vehicular access points. The detail submitted in the strategic infrastructure application shows how the proposed on-site primary and secondary road network would connect into these primary accesses.
  • Birmingham City Council has agreed to progress discussions relating to S278 Technical Approval for the new primary access junctions, based on the detail included in the outline planning application, without the need for this detail to be resubmitted in the form of separate planning applications for each junction.
  • The reserved matters applications for the areas of residential development adjacent to the new primary and secondary junctions will show details for new landscaping between the new junctions and new built development.
  • Any additional secondary vehicular accesses from adjacent roads will form part of the subsequent reserved matters applications, if required.Improvement works, interventions and traffic management measures will be implemented at key junctions and along key movement corridors in the wider area to manage and mitigate the impact of traffic from this development.

Walking and Cycling

  • The existing Public Rights of Way within the site will be incorporated through retention / diversion as part of a wider network of walking and cycling routes delivered within the site.
  • The proposals shown within the submitted strategic infrastructure planning application provide a choice of attractive and safe walking and cycling routes both along roads and throughout the extensive areas of publicly accessible green infrastructure.
  • The new network will provide convenient access to the new facilities being provided on site in the main mixed-use centre and in the local community hubs.
  • The new network also provides access to the services and facilities in the wider area by linking into the existing routes outside the site, including through to Sutton Coldfield Town Centre.
  • A north-south walking and cycling spine (Greenway) is proposed through the site, supplemented by additional key routes: in the vicinity of the western boundary; along Langley Brook; adjacent to the A38; and within a new east-west park.
  • The walking and cycling route shown on the western boundary of the site has been designed to be visible from the existing highway, deliverable from early on in the construction period and minimise impact on existing trees and hedgerows.

Public Transport

  • Practical and sustainable alternatives to the private car will be promoted and encouraged.
  • The development is being designed to accommodate extensions to the existing bus services, Bus Rapid Transit (Sprint) and Demand Responsive Buses, including through inclusion of a bus priority lane at the Calder Drive junction and in the form of bus only access along 2 sections of Fox Hollies Road within the site.
  • Bus stops are being proposed along the primary and secondary roads within the site in accessible locations, close to key community facilities and residential development.
  • Bus services will connect the development to key retail, leisure, community, rail and employment services and facilities within the wider area, including in Sutton Coldfield Town Centre and Birmingham City Centre.

“Langley will integrate with existing communities to the west as well as providing links to the A38. Access to public transport, cycle and pedestrian routes will be incorporated throughout the development.”